
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Here we go again...

So this is my third attempt at getting my blog set up.... Some of you may know that I've been experiencing some wierd issues with my blog. When I originally had it set up, it worked just fine.... Then I went in to customize some things and it all went downhill from there. All of a sudden, my blog was not viewable to people using Internet Explorer... So if you happened to visit my page and you got a blank white page, this is why.

I think I've corrected things now. You'll notice that my page is a little different... I've lost any and all posts that I had previously made because I had to literally delete and start all over. Hopefully I've got it up and running this time... If not, then Blogger just has issues because I've changed nothing, I swear!

Looking forward to getting some posts going so my page isn't so blank. ;o)


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