
Saturday, April 15, 2006

Thank you Mary!

This book rocks!! She lent me her copy of "It's Called A Break-Up Because It's Broken" and I've been sitting here reading for the last half an hour.... I can't put this book down! It's awesome, funny, and so true.... Here are a couple little nuggets that already hit home:

"Generally, if one person thinks that the break up is the right move, they're probably right even if it feels so wrong. Because unless there are two people putting on the coveralls and getting in the trenches with some duct tape and superglue and a fierce determination, it isn't going to happen. Need more convincing? How about this: The person you loved took a good long look at the awesomeness that is you, evaluated your relationship together, and said 'No thanks. I'll try my luck elsewhere.' Or you said it to him. Either way, that alone should make you realize that its wasn't a match made in heaven and they're not worth donning coveralls for. Anyone who assesses you or your relationship as disposable is not worthy of your time or tears."

"A lot of the pain you are experiencing right now is actually fear. Fear of things being different than how you liked them, fear of never finding another love, fear of being alone, fear of having to fill your time differently. We're afraid of the unknown.... It's broken, and the longer you stay stuck in a dead-end relationship or spend your days mourning one, the less time you get on this planet to experience a great one."

And this is my favorite....

".... the fact of the matter is, they're wrong about you. Just because your relationship is broken doesn't mean you are! No matter what happened between you, no matter what you may or may not have done wrong, you are still a kick-ass person. And even though you might not believe it right now, this breakup is the first step towards finding someone truly worthy of your greatness."

Awesome. I love that over and over again, the authors are using words to build you up and re-affirm you... They call you a "superfox" repeatedly, tell you how awesome and wonderful you are and are constantly praising you.... Definitely good to hear. And apparantly, re-decorating your living room is part of the healing process, so that'll be an interesting part of the book to get to!

Alrighty, back to my book!


Blogger Leslie said...

sounds like a wonderful book and just the positive boost you needed!

3:28 PM  

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