The last of 'em
This is the last of the pics from my Michigan trip. These are of Ruthann and I as we wandered around Grand Rapids. I loved these little statues. Apparantly it was a special feature and there were 13 of them placed throughout downtown for you to find. We found maybe 5 of 6 of them, but this was by far the cutest!! Oh, and the picture of Ruthann, lol!! We came across this big button and she thought it was moveable, so I caught her trying to spin it :p And the last picture is of the best ever deep dish Chicago pizza place.... so if you're in Chicago, you've gotta stop there and get a pizza! I'm drooling just thinking about it.... Ruthann even loved it and she's not a big pizza fan. That says something, right there!!

awesome pics, love ruthann and the button!
Heya Jes
Your timing so so good. Things are a little weird at the moment... see my blog for details...
Hope all is good there THanks for the package again! You rock! Love and miss ya too!
I so wish I coulda been there.
How did I know the button picture would end up on the web, either here or SJ??? I was SOOO sure it moved!!! Your pictures are amazing! The ones of the Calder look like post cards. Any chance my Mom can get copies of the gallery shots? (She asked me to ask you...) If so, just email them to, whenever you get a chance, no rush :)
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