Happy Happy Day!
*2 more days till Johnny's birthday. Was kinda stressing because things weren't falling together as planned, but it's all good, and it's turning out just fine and we'll have a great time! Pictures will most likely follow next week.
*Kim's coming to Cali!! That's right, Kim Turpin is making her way from Canada to Vegas next January/February with her dh, and they've decided that since they're gonna be in the states they'd take a trip to Anaheim and visit some of the SJ ladies. Happens to be the week of CHA, so CP's gonna be in town... I get to meet more Jazzers and I'm so excited! Ruthann might come out too.... Fun times!
*Cross your fingers girls!!! Was chatting with a gf today and saying my goodbye's (she's moving to Texas) and as we were standing there talking, a co-worker of hers happened to walk by and she introduced us and jokingly asked him if he was looking for a processor (back to the mortgage industry)... I gave him my number and he stated "You'll definitely be hearing from me" WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!
*Finally getting my account set up on DeviantArt. Johnny's been a member there for quite some time and he's been pushing me to set myself up, but I couldn't come up with a good user name for me, so I kept putting it off. Last night he decided to just do it for me and get me started.... So I've got one picture up, need to go through and upload some more. But the link is on my sidebar, so be sure to go have a look... I'm sure you've seen most of them anyways, I usually share here and on SJ. But it's a cool site, have a look around!
*Neen, keeping my fingers crossed hun, be sure to update us as you hear! And for Lindi too.... She's got an offer on the house finally, hoping that it goes through, they definitely need to get that baby sold!!
*And the best ever news yet - Caitlin is home!! I'm so excited for her to be home with her family after all this time... Welcome home Caitlin!!!