Lady Update
I took her to the vet this morning because she was really babying her foot last night.... To the point that she wasn't stepping on it at all because it hurt so bad. The doctor says that it's swollen and irritated. I'll be soaking it in epsom salts for half an hour daily for the next week. Explain to me how to keep my dog still long enough to soak her foot in water for half an hour?! Fortunately, she's pretty well behaved and I'm sure it'll be fine. She's also on an antibiotic to kill any infection that may have set in.
I asked him about the situation with Molly and he says that it's definitely an attitude thing - her trying to show her dominance over Lady, which I completely agree. But what do I do to stop them from fighting? He says just to keep an eye on them and be very cautious of the situation. I asked about doggy Prozac and he suggested that it's a last resort and would need to have her in to evaluate her before taking that measure. He made it seem like the situation is really not that big of a deal, when to me, it is.... I'm still seriously thinking that it's gonna come down to me having to have her put down.
I'm afraid of what's gonna happen the next time the girls get into it. I'm even more afraid that one day I'm going to come home from work and find one of them (or both) seriously injured from fighting during the day while I'm at work (I don't know that they've fought while I'm not there, but who's to say they wont?). And I'm afraid of how badly I'm going to get hurt the next time I try and break up their fights.... Not only are their injuries getting worse with each altercation - so are mine! My left hand is still slightly swollen, but definitely sensitive to the touch, and my leg has a huge knot on it and is extremely sensitive where I was bitten. Yes, I'm keeping it extremely clean (mom!) and I'm taking measures to take care of my wounds... I know dog bites are nasty and dirty, so I'm staying on top of it! :D